Peter Kucirko

Peter Kucirko

Peter  Kucirko

Nicholasville, Ky.

Arts Consultant

Organizational Management, Business and Finance for Organizations, Strategic Planning, Board Development, Marketing and Promotion for Organizations, Arts Education, Program Development, Audience Development

​After successful parallel careers in performance and administration, Peter now specializes in organizational assessment, financial realignment, fundraising and grantwriting for nonprofits.

He received a master’s degree from Temple University and a bachelor’s degree from the New School of Music. He performed as a cellist in New York, New Jersey, Delaware, and in Pennsylvania with most of Philadelphia’s major musical groups including the Chamber Orchestra of Philadelphia, Philly Pops, Pennsylvania Ballet and The Philadelphia Orchestra. He was a founding member of the New Art String Quartet which concertized in the USA and Europe and presented the American premiere of Shostakovich Quartet #8 at Carnegie Hall. Peter served as executive consultant to Peter Nero and the Philly Pops where he was instrumental in reshaping the organization into one of Philadelphia’s premiere arts groups until it was merged into the Philadelphia Orchestra season programming. He also served as a panelist for the Pennsylvania Arts Council as well as a sole binding arbitrator for labor disputes in Pennsylvania.

While Peter was branching into administration, his musical colleagues spread around the world to become judges of the Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow and first chair members of US and international orchestras. As a former faculty member of Temple University and chamber music coach, Peter carries on the musical traditions of his mentors from the Curtis String Quartet, Boston Symphony and New York Philharmonic.

In Kentucky, Peter has served on the boards of Actors Guild of Lexington, Lexington Ballet, Lexington Philharmonic Foundation and LexArts. He was the executive director of the Reading Symphony (PA) from 1989 – 1999 and the Lexington Philharmonic from 1999 – 2010 for which he designed development, marketing and budget structures that led to increased contributions, financial stability and balanced budgets.

Peter is a seasoned consultant and grant writer who has worked personally with local and national organizations and artists in music, ballet, and theatre performances. He is the original creator of Peanut Butter & Jelly Concerts, Audible & Edible, The Naked Cello and HORSETAILS, a nationally awarded fundraising project that combined music, art, and Kentucky’s premiere horse industry to raise money for the Lexington Philharmonic Foundation’s Partners in Education endowment, a program which he also designed.

Peter brings his administrative and performance experience to his commitment of assisting Kentucky non-profits with organizational development, financial management, contract negotiations, strategic planning, board development, marketing and promotion, artistic and education programming, and audience development.

: Advisor Profile