Joanna Hay is a musician, filmmaker and arts entrepreneur. Her varied background includes community arts leadership, cultural arts and tourism projects, oral history documentation, filmmaking, musical performance and product development (DVDs, CDs and online multimedia products). Her clients are universities, cities, corporations, historical societies, nonprofit cultural organizations and artists. She is trained in grant writing by the Grantsmanship Center.
Joanna’s films include “A Kentucky Treasure: The Center for All” (a documentary about the Kentucky Center for the Performing Arts) and two bourbon documentaries, “Kentucky Bourbon Tales” and "Quest for the Perfect Bourbon." Other documentaries include "The Changing Face of Squash," "Song of the Birds," “Kentucky Craft Luminaries: Sharing the Stories” and “On the Front Lines for Freedom, Justice and Peace.”
She is known for her work in public art. She helps communities with their public art plans; documents public art and artists; and has created public art tour websites for the cities of Berea, Frankfort, Horse Cave and Munfordville.
She is the violinist in two music projects, Coq Au Vin and Stirfry Musette (Nantucket, Mass., and Kentucky, respectively). Her three albums are titled “No String Unturned,” “A World So Small,” and “Coq Au Vin.”
A former outreach director with the Kentucky Arts Council, she is a Community Scholar and a published author.
Joanna consults with individual artists and arts organizations. For individual artists she can help with business and marketing plans. For arts organizations she can help with strategic planning, organizational development, building audiences and creating a strong volunteer organization. She can help with grants planning, arts education programming, art and culture tours and websites and improving accessibility.